Eva Woolridge


A love letter to 2020

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Photo by Nik Muka

Happy December 1st, 2020!

We are three months away from March, the month where shit actually hit the fan for the entire planet. Can you believe it? I still can't. Despite the severity and roller coaster of Covid-19 updates, erratic world leaders, and the revolutionary dismantling of systems that we can no longer ignore, I am grateful for 2020. This year gave me, and many others a gift. The gift of stillness, contemplation, appreciation, and motivation to create the life we want for ourselves. We are reminded that tomorrow is not guaranteed. I've lost a friend who was the purest example of living life to the fullest.

Every morning I sit on my brownstone stoop in Bedstuy, sip my coffee and read. Seeking any information on why moments in history like this occur. What I found is that world events like this are manifested from collective energy. We could no longer tolerate international systems that don't work for us. The earth could no longer tolerate our mistreatment and manipulation of natural resources. All of the events of 2020 seemed like a build up from all the years of pain, grief, and complacency. I learned that this energy is a form we can control, if we each do our part.

I chose to lean into remote work, sharing gratitude as often as I can, and focus on prioritizing my joy. I learned to stop providing excuses for actions and behaviors that I could no longer tolerate. I began to understand and apply my personal truth unapologetically, and found how much value it holds. I demanded that my corporate job prioritize the wellbeing of its' Black employees. I was on the front lines of the BLM movements to document a new wave of revolution. I fundraised and donated thousands of dollars to bailout funds for my Black Queer fighters, who've despite our exhaustion, continue to fight for everyone everyday. And even when experiencing conflict by white male photographers screaming at me to get out of their shot at a protest for me and my people, I chose to redirect that energy into something positive and tangible. I began leading seminars and workshops with international camera companies, universities, and art exhibitions to help photographers reconsider the space we take up, avoid exploiting our subjects, and find true artistic inspiration from our own life experiences.

I needed to redirect my energy to focus less on me, and more on how I can help others. And in turn, it did help me. That mindset helped me establish myself as a professional, a business owner, an artist, a public speaker, and a social activist. 2020 helped me stand in my convictions, and honor my purpose. To use photography and public speaking to embrace humanity in all of its beauty and grit. And so as we enter a new year, I am leaving behind doubts, insecurities, and making myself smaller for other people's comfort. I want to thank my day one friends that have held me down in midst of panic, self-doubt and fear, and my new friends who have opened doors for me, all of who are helping me step into who I am meant to be.

If I learned anything from this year, it's that honoring our truth and following our personal path toward joy will change our perspectives of one another and help us navigate our lives as we walk alongside each other.

All my love,


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