Eva Woolridge
Blinding Pain

Size of a Grapefruit

Winner of the 2019 Leica Women in Foto Award.

"The Size of a Grapefruit" is a visual narrative based on Eva’s traumatic medical event which highlights the emotional stages from before, during, and after her surgery. Her objective is to address the lack of information and medical attentiveness available for Black women regarding their reproductive health. Eva’s story addresses symptoms of ovarian cysts and the micro-aggressions Black women face during times of crisis with the goal of as well as helping other Black women from undergoing the same pain as her.

Each image is titled based on my emotional response during this two-month healing period: Denial, Blinding Pain, a Thorn of Micro-aggression, Shock, Surrender, The Weight of Trauma, Inspection, Reflection, Acceptance, and Empowerment, in that order.

Eva's hope is to share more stories of women who are affected by the negligence of the medical field, and visually celebrate how they overcame and were empowered by their experiences.